SSNAAPE Fall Rummage Sale
September 27 and 28; 7-noon
Donations welcome until September 23. Call 760-728-0249 for details
Since January 2019, we have distributed over $5000 to vet care, food, and miscellaneous. Your monetary donations and items for our sale make it possible for us to continue helping pet guardians in need. Thank You!!
Dear SSNAAPE supporter,
July 11 is Amazon Prime Day. If you have not selected a charity to support would you please consider us?
The link is When the website requests which charitable organization you wish to support choose Senior Special Needs Animal Assistance Project Endeavor. There is also an error on the AmazonSmile page stating we are located in Texas. We have requested a correction but according to Amazon it will take up to a month. The money still is credited to SSNAAPE.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mary Ann Bouse, President & founder, and Vera Lauren, volunteer

Our spay, and neuter clinic was a great success! Thank you to all who participated.
And please remember, DON’T LITTER! Instead, neuter your pet, it will make him less nuts.
Besides, the only ball your dog needs is the one he fetches.
Spring is here, and we are holding another Low Cost spay/neuter clinic in April in the kahoots parking lot.
Check back for dates, and time. Please contact us to sign on in advance.
Marlene: 951-205-9608
Mary Ann: 760-844-2174
Howl-o-ween Fundraiser for SPOT.
Sunday October 16th from 12-3pm. Donation includes WINE, Live Music and K9 Costume Contest!! . Bring the dogs and the Kids!! Raffles and prizes and so much more!
Witch Creek Winery
2906 Carlsbad Blvd.
Tickets $20
Includes: 2 glasses of wine, a sample of Sleeping Tiger Coffee and much more.
Purchase tickets @ Witch Creek Winery or call 760-720-7499
Yayyy, our 2016 rummage sale was a big success, and 100% of the proceeds go toward helping the animals.
Thanks to our supportive community, friends, family, and committed volunteers for making our last rummage sale a huge success. And we appreciate our neighbors for putting up with the traffic, and chaos. (Still thinking about the delicious homemade treats baked by Marlene.) Although we have enjoyed communing with everyone these events take weeks of preparation, and a great deal of work to orchestrate. After much contemplation we have decided our energy is better spent dealing directly with the animals, and their humans. Of course, we still depend on your generosity, and for your convenience we set up two easy ways to donate:
You can easily sign on for a single or a monthly automatic debit donation. To do so go to: and donate through PayPal. Or you can set up a recurring direct debit deposit from your personal bank account to SSNAAPE using the following information:
Routing #: 122037760
Accounting #: 1064031986
Thanks for your continued support. SSNAAPE (501 (c) (3) is a non profit organization and all donations are tax exempt.
Here are more photos of this years event:
Our last spay & neuter clinic was Dec 13 2015 and we thank everyone for their donations.